Not so fast open-marketeer! The set of tickets you want from the competitor can't be bought because they only allow the following ticket delivery methods:
1. Post - they only post to billing address, and don't post outside of the US. No dice.
2. Will Call - (the gig goer collects from the box office) you need the credit card used to make the purchase plus a passport/drivers licence of purchaser to collect. No dice.
No wonder that the half-arsed alternative to Ticketbastard is getting squeezed out - they're crap. They have tickets, but you can't buy them.
So I go sod it, I'll use that other shower and buy some other second-string choice. Find some tickets, go to buy and the ticket price magically increases by 50% - all of a sudden there's charges for Building Facility and Order Processing. They have the gall to include a Convenience Charge, but I fail to see the convenience in being robbed by a dirty shower of rats. You have to applaud the neck on them to impose a $2.50 charge per ticket for TicketFast, where you can print the tickets yourself in the comfort of your own home, transferring the ink/paper/time/electricity and associated administrative costs to you, the customer. Beautiful.

So sorry, but nobody's getting presents of tickets from me. Ever.
That's insane! F*ckers!
No, you're insane. Fuckers. *L
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