In a (not really) suprising incident yesterday, John McCain made repeated claims that Iran was funding Al-Qaeda. It's not exactly a wild statement from a republican to make allegations of "freedom hating" - or freeting as I like to call it - but when you take into account that Iran is primarily a Shiite country and that Al-Qaeda are a Sunni group it's kind of ignorant. Especially seeing as this is a guy who could be representing America on the world stage in 8 months time.
Now John you've got the get the facts right before you start bringing the pain. Plus you're not the president yet, so shut the fuck up and let Bush take care of the gaffes in front of the world media.
He's been in Israel today, hanging out with Israelis. Referring to Hamas and Hezbollah he said (in a not-too-diplomatic-way) : "They are dedicated to the extinction of everything that the US, Israel and the West believe and stand for." In response the Israeli Foreign Minister Ms. Livni said: "I know that we share the same understanding of the nature of the crisis in the region."
Good to know that they both agree that Hamas and Hezbollah are freeters. Except for their own nation's freedoms which they want, but which are not recognized as they disagree with the main principle of Freetanism: potential freeters don't get to decide which freedoms are right.
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