Selected quotes of brilliance:
Even PETA claim that there are over 500 organized canine sport fights across the US on any given day, and that number is growing fast!
Is this serious?
Serious about making money, yes!
Can I get in trouble?
Mostly no, sometimes yes, but for the sake of argument we'll say no.
What happens to the dogs that don't win?
Since 2005 we've participated in an ecologically conscious worldwide effort, by which all athletes, upon retirement, are composted for the greatest good of the communities we serve, as well as the world in which we live in.
Ah the internets has just become a funnier place since the heady trailblazing days of Bonsai Kitten and ManBeef. It's just amazing that people still get caught out by these websites and call the local paper in outrage. Anyone for DIY Lasik Surgery or a Medical Adoption?
1 comment:
I wonder if I'd be able to set up an Irish franchise. I must get in touch and find out the details.
What do you mean it's a piss take? oh the vision I had of the euros rolling in and pooches ripping each other to shreds, would have been bliss. Ah well se la vie.
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