What I'm not about is bands that sound like they don't know each other, and recorded each of their pieces secretly. Their "sound" reminds me of that kids game where four kids each draw part of someones body without seeing eachothers picture. It always looks shit. I'm not about bands that sound like they're trying real fucking hard to be the next big thing and are so far up their own arses that they can't hear that what they're recording is turgid shite. Case and point: Bloc Party.
The nicest word I can use to describe the feeling I get when i hear them is "bored". Honestly, what a bunch of self-appreciating postgraduate smugosapiens. They're no more dramatic, insightful, or intellectual than the writers from Dawson's Creek - just some bunch of knobs who own a thesaurus and got christmas presents of instruments from parents that were guilty for sending them to boarding school. Like look at the picture; you'd have more fun with that other mopey tit Morrisey.
So go see Of Montreal on December 8th in the music centre (now called Button Factory, but I won't call it that because it's a ridiculous name for a venue).
1 comment:
I work in the Button Factory, one day my boss came up to me and said "turn that knob with your right hand". So what.
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