So first off at Mandela's birthday shes changed the words of "Free Nelson Mandela" to "Free Blakey My Fella" because his junkie self is more important than one of the most inspirational figures of the last century. However, at least she was quasi-sober.
Then she went to Glastonbury, got completely out of her face before going on stage and proceeded to give the shittest and saddest gig since the last time that Simply Red played live. She rambled and slurred her way through songs, made no sense at all, stopped a song because she couldn't "hear" the count-in, and then decked someone in the crowd. Oh yeah and she called Kanye West a cock for some reason. That one I appreciate though.
Now we all used to think Amy's highjinks were funny in a rock and roll way, and that the crazy haristyle was "edgy". How cold is the reality though: she's a junk loving mentalist that's got a TB-carrying badger living on her head.
Anyway I've lost my train of thought and am going tangental here - the lost and found cache from Glasto is a classic. Aside from the usual haul of mobile phones, wallets and other crap were a piano, a prosthetic leg and a barrister's wig. Sounds like props from McCartney and Mills' divorce case. Special mention however for the worst German ever: how efficient is it to leave your passport behind???

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