Honestly they sound like a fucking Loreal ad, I heard Noel Dempsey on the radio this morning saying that because it was an independent body's recommendation that they had to accept it. What about all the other recommendations from independent bodies that they ignored and are gathering dust or being used as kindling for next weeks bonfires?
And our great leader "the innocent" kept on saying how their salaries are benchmarked against the private sector. Well why in the fuck is his performance not? He wouldn't last two hours as an office temp if he was. He now gets paid more than Gordon Brown and George Bush, and his answer to that tidbid was that "well, I dont ge eh, a eh, number den or a white house or anytin, not dat I'd like a white house anyway". Yeah well you don't get a population of 300 million and a huge army to preside over either thank fuck. It's galling to think at a time when this government are closing down hospital wards and warning people about overspending (how ironic) they're happy to turn around and grab grab grab like grinning little Shylocks.
It's reassuring to know however that he does now posess a bank account - he'd have a hard time stuffing that wad into a sock.
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