Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hurling: The Emirati sport of choice

Well if this country and it's institutions don't continue to surprise - the new sponsors for the GAA have been announced, and it's a fairly traditional set of sponsors for the Football Championship: Toyota (make jeeps for farmers), Ulster Bank (to appease the Ulster Branch) and Vodafone (second place after losing the iPhone haha).

However the wacky racers over in the Hurling Championship have nailed Etihad Airways (whodefuck?), Guiness (ah yeah that's grand) and RTE (the national broadcaster of course). Etihad Airways?? How many Hurling fans have business traveling to Damascus, Tehran and Khartoum? None I would venture, sure I heard you can't even drink out there...

Aer Arann would have been the obvious choice, with their regular flights from Waterford to Knock et al.

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