Monday, September 8, 2008

Please tell everyone you know about this

I'm not kidding. We all knew Sarah Palin was a mentalist, but this is far too weird. Go to Huffington Post to read the accompanying story. Video is about Palin's crazy church who are actively training teenagers to take over the world. I shit you not.

Cellphone anointing.


Unknown said...

Absolutely crazy. How do these people actually function in normal society? Oh yeah, they're in America...

Hands up who's actually surprised a high ranking American Republican part of a crazy right wing christian cult...

Anonymous said...

Dude this is a very far cry from my cup of tea but in fairness that video was heavily edited and mostly out of context. Dont get me wrong "they" are a crazy bunch of over the top, sometimes veering on radicalism preaching Americans but look at the bigger picture.

Sure it keeps the kids off the street :)

Martha said...

dead blog on a highway....what about your readership? You don't have anything to say about DOOMSDAY 2008. Budget Crunch, Credit Crisis, Big Bank Bailout? I don't BELIEVE it.