Thursday, April 17, 2008

Pope confuses sex abuse scandal in US for pricing issue on bibles

The Pope and two bishops relaxing yesterday

The pope has come out against the sexual abuse scandal in the States with all the vehemency of a damp dishcloth. Apparently he's "deeply ashamed" of what has happened, and reckons it's "gravely immoral behaviour". Sorry old man but your shame and regret are not good enough. No actions and no tough decisions, just more offensive lip service. He actually had the gall to part blame the scandal on the breakdown of values in US society. So lapse-catholicism and the proliferation of MTV caused some priests to rape children?

You don't think that some sick fucks are attracted to that profession seeing that your church has actively harboured paedophilic rapists and kept them safe from prosecution? That maybe it was all too easy to commit these crimes due to the level of unconditional trust granted by the traditional catholic?

I watched Deliver Us From Evil last weekend, lets just say I'm kinda tetchy on the subject at the moment.

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